Start your journey towards Life-Long Health.

Take my longevity lifestyle online course and find out how to optimise your healthspan and lifespan.

Dr Alka lifestyle course

Are you ready to embrace a future where every year is a healthy one?

Discover a course that's not just doctor-led but deeply rooted in scientific evidence.

A course that is meticulously designed to revolutionise your lifestyle and, by extension, your entire life.

Why Choose The Longevity Lifestyle Course?

Embark on a Self-Paced Path to Longevity.

This course is your gateway to a lifestyle transformation that fits seamlessly into your life, on your schedule. Crafted with care, it guides you through the essential steps towards a longer, healthier life, empowering you to make the changes that matter most.

Dr Alka is regularly featured in the press Find out more below!

Meet your guide Dr Alka Patel

From Burnout to Breakthrough: A Personal Tale of Recovery and Resilience

Dr. Alka shares her own harrowing experience with burnout, a wake-up call that led her from the brink of a health crisis back to vitality. Her story is not just a testament to overcoming personal adversity but a foundation for the course, offering a blend of professional expertise and deeply personal insights.

Life is meant to be rich with purpose, engulfed in happiness, and wholeheartedly enjoyed.

Get ready to …

  • Become younger in your body, more agile in your mind.

  • Feel energised, recharged, revitalised and ready, fully present for your work, for your family, for yourself.

  • Be your happiest, healthiest self, with no ills and no pills

  • Start living on purpose with purpose

  • Celebrate the best time of your life as you add life to your healthspan and health to your lifespan!

Don't think “I’ll start on Monday.”

Make the decision to prioritise your health today.

Start Now!

Benefits: through this course you will:

Work out your purpose

Get complete clarity on purpose, why it matters and how to live longer with intention.

Reconnect with your core values

Reconnect with your personal values and implement these into your life for deep fulfillment

Understand how to exercise smarter

Incorporate 5 important exercise types into your day even, when you’re busy.

Optimise productivity

Use routines and rhythms to direct your personal productivity and creativity cycles

Create long-lasting habits

Use science to make and maintain healthy habits to increase longevity and prosperity

Protect your emotional health

Connect with your emotions and use them as as signals to make decisions about your next step.

Sleep faster, deeper, longer

Implement 7 clear and science-backed steps for targeted quantity and quality of sleep

Journal with impact

Implement impact-focused journalling to reflect on your thoughts, emotions and experiences.

Modulate stress with breath

Practise different breathing techniques to take control of your stress response.

Improve connectivity

Create space for introspection through solitude and connection through socialisation

Connect to your C.O.R.E.

Take control, ownership and responsibility over your lifestyle. Create a strategic self care plan to optimise your current and future healthspan and lifespan.

Love for the Course!

Course Highlights: The L.I.F.E.S.T.Y.L.E. FIRST Method

Unlock the Secrets to Health and Happiness!

Dr. Alka has distilled her years of experience and research into the L.I.F.E.S.T.Y.L.E. FIRST Method. This comprehensive approach identifies ten science-backed pillars of health and longevity ensuring you have the tools for exceptional success.

What makes this course different?

It goes beyond health and towards a strategic approach to self-care!

Forget the conventional sick-care model. This longevity lifestyle online course is about proactive. strategic self-care, designed for those who no longer want health to take a backseat to life's other demands. Whether you're postponing your health goals to "next Monday" or battling ongoing health issues, this course addresses the root causes, not just the symptoms.

  • LIFE'S PURPOSE: What is your purpose in life?

    Your life’s purpose is the central motivating aim of your life – the reason you get up in the morning. Your purpose guides life decisions, influences behaviour, shapes goals, offers a sense of direction and creates meaning. Can you imagine a long and vital life without a strong sense of purpose?

  • IDENTITY: What is your daily affirmation that enforces your identity?

    Having a strong sense of identity influences the beliefs that you act out. Often, as a default, these can be negative beliefs – ‘I’m so disorganised, I’m terrible at commitment, I can’t do this.’ Your body is listening closely to each of these. By re-creating a positive identity you can reprogram your thinking patterns so that over time the way you think and behave empowers your health rather than disempowers it.

  • FOOD: What food choices match your needs?

    The big questions I get asked most frequently are “What’s the best diet for longevity?” and “What should(n’t) I eat to feel healthy?” There’s no single answer because the truth is, it’s individual to you. It’s not just about what you eat, it’s also when you eat and how you eat. The synergy of each nutrient, flavour, smell, texture, colour – all add to your sensory and nutritional experience. Curating an eating experience that benefits you takes focus, but it results directly in longevity, and more immediately in vitality. 

  • EXERCISE: How often do you integrate exercise into your day?

    Exercise is key to health. Our bodies are designed to move but we’re getting too comfortable being comfortable. Dialing in on an exercise commitment that suits you is the cornerstone to ensuring a strong body and mind.

  • SLEEP: Which sleep actions can you commit to?

    Sleep is your health baseline. The quality of your sleep defines your emotions, behaviors and actions, but it also alters your bio-markers and dramatically affects your vitality and longevity . Sleeping better for a healthier life can be achieved through simple, regular modifications to allow yourself to tune in to your natural circadian sleep rhythms.

  • TIME OUT: What do you do when you take time out from your busy schedule?

    Do you have space in your day to slow down your breathing? Do you journal to write down ideas, thoughts, feelings, goals and affirmations? We’re not designed to go-go-go, we’re designed to oscillate. Without strategic time out you won’t have the space to think, feel, or act in a way that optimises longevity.

  • YOUR CONNECTIONS: Who do you affect and who affects you?

    Social connectivity is directly linked to longevity. ‘Blue Zones’ are areas in the world with the longest living people and these zones have been shown to have one thing in common – community spirit, belonging and connectedness.

  • LEARNING HABITS: Are you reinforcing habit loops that help you reach your goals?

    Habits are behaviours you do on automation. Are your current habits serving a useful, meaningful purpose? Your vitality and longevity depend on your ability to restructure your habits.

  • EMOTIONS: How do you manage your emotional state?

    Stress is almost a given in our busy, time-pressured, noise-filled lives. But, when you are stressed or overwhelmed with emotion, you are less likely to engage in healthy habits. Life is designed to throw you challenges and create roadblocks, creating difficult thoughts and emotions, but it’s your resilience and response to these emotions that will determine your long-term health outcomes.

  • BONUS: MOTIVATION AND MINDSET: What's driving you to be who you want to be?

    Before you can make any changes to your lifestyle you have to make a commitment. This is the beginning of your lifestyle journey. Stickability, grit and persistence will embed a lifestyle that fuels a long, happy, healthy life.

My online course is available for one payment of just £495
alternatively pay in 3 instalments of £165 per month.

Your Investment in a Healthier Future

Longevity Lifestyle Course
One time
For 3 months

Here’s a doctor-led, science-backed COURSE you can do in your own time, designed to transform your LIFESTYLE and transform your life.

✓ Over 40 high-quality video lessons
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Self paced course
✓ Beautifully designed ‘My Lifestyle First Journey’ workbook
✓ Understand how to optimise your health and longevity


  • The course is made up of a series of videos covering 10 modules. There is also an accompanying downloadable workbook for you to track your journey as you progress through the modules. As a bonus, I am also available for you to message.

  • As soon as you checkout you’ll receive a link in your inbox to enrol into the course

  • The videos vary in length from 2 minutes to 20 minutes. I would suggest allocating 10-20 minutes each day or 1-2 hours each week for the course.

  • You have access for 10 weeks from the day of enrolment. After 10 weeks you will no longer be able to access the course material or messaging support.

  • I will be available to provide messaging support through the course group chat. Through thechat you can ask questions or share your thoughts and actions. I will aim to respond promptly and always within 48 hours.

    You can also book a 1-2-1 private online consultation with me to accelerate your health journey to the next level at any time

  • Please email my Client Happiness Team at

Happiness Guaranteed

Dr Alka vegetables

My #1 priority here is your health and longevity.

Which means I stand by The L.I.F.E.S.T.Y.L.E. First Method.

Any issues, we’ll find a resolution. No matter what, no holds barred, no ifs, no ands, no buts.

Discuss it. Refund it. Swap it.  Whatever it needs.

Just reach out to my Client Happiness Team.

We’re here for you.

Happiness. Guaranteed.